martes, junio 13, 2006

Roxy Music - Country Life (1974)

"The supposedly 'uncredited' cover models are in fact named on the album - but not as models. They were Constanze Karoli (reportedly the sister of Can's Michael Karoli) and Eveline Grunwald, who are credited on the lyric sheet with the German translation of "Bitter-Sweet". Bryan Ferry met them in Portugal and persuaded them to do the photo shoot as well as help with the words to the song. "(De Wikipedia). O sea no son travestis.

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Esta me re shockeó de pendejo. Me imaginaba que la música ahí debía ser cualquiera, tipo heavy metal, o algo groncho así.

Y nada, pero nanada que ver, eh?

Germán W. dijo...

jaja, qué interpretación rara... bah lo de heavy metal, groncho podría ser.

esta me gusta pero en general las tapas de roxy son una risa...